The Technical Boy provides you a 24/7 support throughout the year by updating your business with modern networking devices and hardware. We are an expert in installing, configuring and troubleshooting all hardware components like network cards, wireless network, device memory and many more. To assemble and to maintain; that’s one of our biggest strengths. We customize solutions and enhance your system performance all based on your needs.
Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)
We have world class Annual Maintenance service (AMC) or computer support services for regular check-ups and imparting quick solutions to recurring issues. We provide maintenance for all computer network related products and solutions. We have expertise in building and maintaining IT infrastructure for all kind of businesses. For AMC, we dedicate a team of experts for your business as per your requirement. This team will entirely be responsible for all your needs of network troubleshooting and solutions. Major services under AMC include:
- All related equipment will be provided in a cost-effective range in case of any breakdown.
- On-location and Online technical support will be provided in a short span of time.
- A team of highly skilled professionals dedicated to reduce downtime and resolve all your networking issues swiftly.
- Hardware Solutions
- Managing all wireless technologies on site
The Technical Boy is a global wireless solutions provider and we offer a huge range of latest wireless devices along with their installation and maintenance. We have well experienced Structured Cabling System installers for devices from multiple brands. We install, terminate, tests, and maintain Fiber Optic Cabling, Backbone Cabling, Cat 5 & Cat 6 Cabling, Riser Cabling, and Horizontal Cabling for Voice and Data Systems. We are an expert in surveying sites which includes evaluation of new or existing facilities, identification, testing and documentation of existing cable runs. We offer best-in-class integrated Data, Voice and Video System Designs, designed specifically to empower our customer’s business. Whether it is a CAT 5 or a CAT 6 cables or an optical fiber installation, we know the all the required standard and we provide a quality installation experience.
Third Party Maintenance
At The Technical Boy, we provide cost-effective third-party maintenance services for all our clients that choose and pick up the annual maintenance contracts (AMC). If a group of network devices is out of warranty and malfunctioning, you might have doubts about from where to get them fixed. The Technical Boy is the right place to get the above-mentioned issue resolved.
VPN Solutions
The Technical Boy is a leading name in providing Virtual Private Network (VPN) Solutions. VPN is a Closed User Group which provides a secure connection between two locations over a Wide Area Network (WAN). The PTP (Precision Time Protocol) has been replaced by the VPN protocol and the intercity links running between customer locations with the last mile connection (wired/wireless) to the nearest Service Provider’s Point are optimized because of that. VPN also allows a private intranet configuration to be securely extended across the Internet or other network services.
It also facilitates secured e-commerce and extranet connections with business partners, suppliers and customers.